Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Scarborough park

Yesterday we went to the park. We went for a long walk and then we planted a puhutakawa tree. It was awesome.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

the evil witch

Once upon a time in a faraway land there was a young girl who lived alone in a small cottage. She was called Sophie. She had long blonde hair and blue sparkley eyes. One day after she had been for a walk through the forest she arrived home to realise that her house was locked and she had lost her key. Sophie decided she would go into the forest and find the key. Sophie searched through high and low but couldnt find anything. Suddenly she saw a tower but her key was nowhere in sight. While she was searching she saw a witch garding the tower and making sure no one was getting in. Sophie noticed that the key was around the witch's neck. She realised that she would need a plan to get her key back. She thought of an amazing plan. She saw a prince walking by. Sophie asked the prince if he could chop the witches head of to get her key back. The prince chopped the witches head off and Sophie got her key back and lived happily ever after.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


yesterday we did athletics.first we did long distence i came second. then we did many different things.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Who am I?

I am a girl
I have long blond hair
I wear a pink dress.
I live in a tower.
I get saved by a prince.

Monday, September 12, 2011


on friday susy from the art galary came to room9. she showed us one of michael tufferys pictures

then we did some prints i chose the flower.

i put yellow ink on it.

then i rolled it on to a piece of paper.

it was an awesome.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

how cows digest food

We drink milk every day.But how does grass turn to milk?Firstly cows eat 75kg of grass a day.

They curl thier tounge around the grass.While they are chewing.Then the grass goes to the first two stomachs and they burp it up as cud.They chew the cud for 1 minute and swallow it.Next the cud goes to the last two stoumachs.The nutrients come from the grass the nutrients is absorbed into cows bloodstream.

Now you can see how milk is made.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

This term we have been looking at persuasive writing. 
We looked at the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We talked about whether she should have gone into the house or not. Here is my poster. 

Sunday, July 3, 2011

our maths

On Friday room9 went on the court to do mesureing.Fletch and I did the indian python it was 5.5m.Then we did another one it was 4.m I cant remember what it was called. we had lots of fun.

The biggest was the nile crocodile it was 6m or  4 and a half 8yr olds long

it was awesome.The end

Sunday, June 19, 2011

paper mache

On Friday we did paper mache.First we blew up a ballon.Then  we riped  paper and stuck it on.I had the smallest ballon becase all the ballons were big it was the most fun thing I have done.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

our grass seed heads

On Friday Room 9 made grass seed heads.First we got a container and filled it with dirt put grass seeds in the container and watered it.Then put it on a table.They were all in the same place. But they do not grow fast.We had lots of fun.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our Art Exhibition at Clink

Yesterday we went to Clink for our Art Exhibition. Our exhibition was called 'Food for Thought.' My mum, dad and Greer and Quinn came to see my work. Mum and Dad said I did a great job. We got to go and play tag outside while all the parents looked at the art work.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Popcorn before it popped
We are doing an experiment using popcorn.First Room 9 brainstormed about popcorn and what it looks like as kernels.
Then Miss Dippie poured the popcorn kernels into a pot with bran oil.
We listened to the popcorn exploding but it was hard to hear it because people were being noisy.
Then we brain tormed about what had changed to the popcorn kernels.
e.g. they hadchanged size.
When they were finished we went inside and got some popcorn.
I had lots of fun!

in the pot ready to go

Popping away!
Yum! Popcorn